The TiddlyWiki Address Book ([[twab]]) is a system for keeping your Address Book within your TiddlyWiki.  It supports the addition of contacts via a simple macro that can be placed in any Tiddler.  It also supports the import and export of your contacts as described in [[About:twab:Import]] and [[About:twab:Export]], respectively.  If you are importing the Tiddlers manually, you should grab all tiddlers tagged [[twab]].  I have also marked non-essential Tiddlers (e.g. documentation) with the tag [[twab-ok-to-delete]] if you want to keep the installation as slim as possible.  Any tiddlers tagged as [[twab]] but not tagged [[twab-ok-to-delete]] are required for the system to work, so please don't delete any of these and expect it to still work.

[[See an example of how it looks|VincentDiBartolo]]

! Step 1: Download
The first step is to download this TiddlyWiki as described in the GettingStarted section.  If you have a TiddlyWiki that you would like to integrate [[twab]] into, simply copy and paste all Tiddlers tagged [[twab]] into your document and you should be good to to.  Note that a bug in older versions of Tiddly can keep the system from working as described here: [[Bug #218 on |]]

! Step 2: Embed Button
Once you have installed, you can add a new contact to the system by adding the following code to any Tiddler:
which will end up looking like this: <<twab>>
You can also customize the button's name by adding parameters to the above code:
<<twab click here>>
creates this button: <<twab click here>>

! Step 3: Click Button and Edit Contact
Feel free to click that and add a new contact.  Changes made to fields in each contact do not need to be saved individually, but obviously the entire Tiddly should be saved when you have made changes that you wish to keep.  All contacts will be tagged with AddressBook by default.

! For More Information
See [[About:twab:Tweaks]] for a description of how to tweak a couple parameters.  Also, see [[About:twab:Components]] for details on the various components and how they interact.

Thanks for your interest in [[twab]].  Please feel free to contact me at [[|]] with any questions, comments, bug reports, or feature requests.  And please see [[About:twab:Credits]] for a special thanks to those who made [[twab]] possible.

-''Vincent ~DiBartolo''
[[No Droids Allowed | ]]