! Basic Tweaks
The easiest tweaks to [[twab]] are the configuration settings declared near the top of the TwabPlugin. ''Note that if you change any of these settings you will have to save the Tiddly and reload in order for them to take effect.''

config.macros.twab.newButtonText    = "new contact";
config.macros.twab.importButtonText = "import contacts";
config.macros.twab.exportButtonText = "export contacts";
config.macros.twab.preClean         = true;
config.macros.twab.importTiddler    = "TwabImport";
config.macros.twab.exportTiddler    = "TwabExport";
config.macros.twab.importTags       = "AddressBook";
config.macros.twab.exportTags       = "AddressBook";
config.macros.twab.fnameField       = "first.name";
config.macros.twab.lnameField       = "last.name";
config.macros.twab.mapTagPrefix     = "format:";
config.macros.twab.skipFlag         = "<skip>";
config.macros.twab.unmappedFlag     = "unmapped";

The significance of each is described in the below table.

| config.macros.twab.newButtonText|The text label for the button generated by the <<twab>> macro when used to add a new contact|
| config.macros.twab.importButtonText|The text label for the button generated by the <<twab>> macro when used to import contacts|
| config.macros.twab.exportButtonText|The text label for the button generated by the <<twab>> macro when used to export contacts|
| config.macros.twab.preClean|Whether twab should remove current contacts when importing.  Setting this to "true" means that current contacts will be deleted before new ones are imported.  See [[About:twab:Import]] for more details|
| config.macros.twab.importTiddler|The name of the Tiddler containing the CSV data to import. See [[About:twab:Import]] for more details|
| config.macros.twab.exportTiddler|The name of the Tiddler to export your contact data to. See [[About:twab:Export]] for more details|
| config.macros.twab.importTags|The tag(s) that should be assigned to each new contact.  Multiple tags should be separated with a space|
| config.macros.twab.exportTags|The tag that will be extracted for export.  Only the first tag is utilized, others are ignored.|
| config.macros.twab.fnameField|Refers to the "first name" field, one of two required fields in order to create a new [[twab]] entry.  Also used by EmailsOnly to pull out the field containing the contact's first name|
| config.macros.twab.lnameField|Refers to the "last name" field, one of two required fields in order to create a new [[twab]] entry.  Also used by EmailsOnly to pull out the field containing the contact's last name|
| config.macros.twab.mapTagPrefix|Prefix used in tag name on the [[TwabImport]] or [[TwabExport]] tiddlers to tell [[twab]] what the format of the CSV data is|
| config.macros.twab.skipFlag|Internal use only|
| config.macros.twab.unmappedFlag|Used in field mapping tiddlers (e.g. [[TwabYahooFieldMap]]) to denote fields that are not mapped to any [[twab]] fields|

! Tweaking the Contact Layout
The next most-likely tweak you will want to perform is to modify the layout of the contacts.  [[TwabTabParts]] contains the HTML for each of the tabs.  You can modify the source code in this tiddler at will, moving fields from one tab to another, removing them, resizing them, etc.  The important point to keep in mind is that all fields must be HTML input text fields, which is what the [[FormTiddlerPlugin]] expects.

! Tweaking the Contact Appearance
The CSS stylesheet for the each [[twab]] contact can be found in the [[ContactsFormTemplate]] tiddler.  This tiddler also contains the code for the number and names of the tabs.  If you follow the example shown by this tiddler, taking note of how it interacts with [[TwabTabParts]], you should be able to modify the appearance rather painlessly.

! Adding New Contact Fields
You can easily add new contact fields (e.g. "Spouse's Name") by simply creating new HTML input fields in the [[TwabTabParts]] tiddler.  The field will immediately show up in all your [[twab]] contacts.  You should keep in mind that this field will not be populated by [[import|About:twab:Import]] or [[export|About:twab:Export]] unless you change the appropriate mapping tiddlers (described below).  This isn't difficult, but might take some trial and error to get right.

! Changing the Default or Built-in Mappings
Lastly, you can tweak the import/export mappings by changing any of the field mapping tiddlers (e.g. [[TwabYahooFieldMap]]).  You might want to do this to ensure that [[twab]] imports a field you've added to [[TwabTabParts]] the next time you import your addresses.  The format of the mapping tiddlers are simple "name=value" pairs.  Keep in mind that if you add a mapping for a field that was previously unmapped you may need to remove it from the "unmapped" name/value pair found at the bottom of the mapping tiddler.