This tag was placed on Tiddlers that are required to upgrade from version 1.1 to 2.0.  If you already have version 1.1 of [[twab]] installed, simply add or overwrite with these files to bring your installation to 2.0.

* [[About:twab:Tweaks]] - detailed instructions on [[twab]] tweaking
* TwabDefaultFieldMap - default mappings for CSV import
* TwabExport - where exported contacts will go by default
* TwabGoogleFieldMap - mappings for Google - must export as Outlook format, not as Google format
* TwabMSNFieldMap - mappings for MSN (Hotmail)
* TwabOutlookFieldMap - mappings for Outlook
* TwabPlugin - plugin itself changed in order to support different import file formats
* TwabYahooFieldMap - mappings for Yahoo! mail