Shows a list of tiddlers. Depending on the parameter, it can show all tiddlers in the document or a particular subset of them.


<<list [type]>>

|type|Optional parameter indicating which tiddlers to show (see below). If omitted, all tiddlers will be shown.|

type can be one of:

|all|Matches every tiddler; hence shows all tiddlers and is equivalent to using the macro without any arguments.|
|missing|Tiddler titles which are referenced, but for which no tiddler yet exists|
|orphans|Tiddlers which are not referenced by any other tiddler|
|shadowed|Shows all tiddlers corresponding to [[Shadows]]. This is true whether or not the tiddler exists, i.e. whether or not a tiddler is overriding the shadow. If it's not overriding the shadow, it will be linked to the underlying shadow and shown (by default) as italic to indicate it's a missing tiddler.|
|touched|Tiddlers which have been updated since they were created or downloaded (checks if changeCount field is greater than zero).|
|filter|Performs filtering and sorting. Matches one or more custom filters, which are declared as subsequent parameters beyond this //type// parameter. A special "sort" parameter may also be included, but it only works if other filters are provided too. See [[Filters]] and examples below.|





<<list all>>

will output a list of all tiddlers, linking to the underlying tiddler:


!With standard "type" argument

<<list shadowed>>

shows, for the current document:

<<list shadowed>>

!With filter argument

<<list filter [tag[definition]]>>

will show tiddlers tagged as //definition//:

<<list filter [tag[definition]]>>

!With sort argument:

<<list filter [tag[definition]] [sort[-modified]]>>

will show tiddlers tagged as //definition// and sorted on modified, in reverse order (most recently modified tiddlers first):

<<list filter [tag[definition]] [sort[-modified]]>>

!With multiple filter arguments

<<list filter [tag[macro]] [tag[internal]]>>

will combine tiddlers tagged as //macro// and tiddlers tagged as //internal//:

<<list filter "[tag[internal]] [tag[deprecated]]">>

!With negative filter arguments
<<list filter "[tag[macro]] [!tag[internal]]">>
<<list filter "[tag[macro]] [!tag[internal]]">>

@EXPERT - mentioned here -
did it happen?


[How To List Tiddlers By Tags: The Filter Tipped Way|]