Similar to the [[tiddler macro]], shows text from other tiddlers. In this case, though, a tabbed interface is used to show multiple tiddler content in the same space, where the user switches tabs to see the different content.


<<tabs cookieID [label1 tooltip1 tiddler1] [label2 tooltip2 tiddler2] ... [labelN tooltipN tiddlerN]>>

|cookieID|A unique ID to ensure the user's chosen tab setting is preserved the next time the user visits this tiddlywiki.|
|labelN|label shown on the tab itself|
|tooltipN|tooltip shown when mouse hovers over the tab|
|tiddlerN|title of the tiddler whose content is shown when user switches to this tab|


<<tabs definitionTab "story definition" "see what a story is" "story" "theme definition" "how to make a  theme" "theme" "shadow definition" "info on shadow tiddlers" "shadow">>

will show the tiddlers "story", "theme", and "shadow", with corresponding tab labels and tooltips. The unique ID "definitionTab" (unique for this tiddlywiki) ensures that when you switch to a tab, that tab will be open next time you view the TiddlyWiki.

<<tabs definitionTab "story definition" "see what a story is" "story" "theme definition" "how to make a  theme" "theme" "shadow definition" "info on shadow tiddlers" "shadow">>